

July 25, 2011


I had an opportunity to shoot the first stop of the Pantech Open 2011 Dew Tour  held in Ocean City, Maryland. There were five categories of events: Skate Vert, Skate Bowl, BMX Park, BMX Vert and Surf. It was great rubbing elbows with some of the best in the business like Pierre-Luc Gagnon, Shaun White, Pedro Barros, Ryan Nyquist and  Baltimore’s Own Bucky Lasek. Here are a few of my favorites from the week.

Pantech Open 2011 Dew Tour BMX CoursePantech Open 2011 Dew Tour Ryan NyquistPantech Open 2011 Dew Tour Ocean City MDRyan Nyquist at the Pantech Open 2011 Dew Tour BMX Rider at the Pantech Open 2011 Dew Tour BMX Rider at the Pantech Open 2011 Dew Tour BMX Rider getting vertical at the 2011 Pantech Open Dew Tour2011 Pantech Open Dew Tour BMX High RampRyan Nyquist getting air at the 2011 Dew TourGetting Vertical on the ramp at the BMX Semi FinalsRyan Nyquist and Dennis Enarson BMX Park FinalistsTeammates douse Kyle Baldock in water after winning the 2011 Dew Tour BMX Park CompetitionKyle Baldock Wins the 2011 Dew Tour BMX Park FinalsKyle Baldock Wins the 2011 Dew Tour BMX Park FinalsVert ramp on the beach in Ocean City MarylandSkater falls on the Vert Ramp at the 2011 Dew Tour16 year old Mitchie Brusco on the vert rampthe Flying tomato Shaun White at the 2011 Pantech Open Dew Tourthe Flying tomato Shaun White at the 2011 Pantech Open Dew TourSkate Bowl Under Construction at the 2011 Dew Tour in Ocean CityAndy Macdonald takes a spin on the skate bowl in Ocean City during the 2011 Dew TourBen Hatchell at the Pantech Open Skate Bowl FinalsRune Glifberg at the Pantech Open Skate Bowl FinalsBen Hatchell at the 2011 Dew Tour Pantech Open Skate Bowl FinalBen Raybourn at the 2011 Pantech Open Dew Tour Skate Bowl FinalKevin Kowalski at the 2011 Dew Tour Pantech Open Skate Bowl FinalShaun White at the Pantech Open 2011 Dew Tour Skate Bowl FinalsBen Raybourn at the 2011 Pantech Open Dew Tour Skate Bowl FinalAndy Macdonald at the 2011 Pantech Open Dew Tour Skate Bowl FinalPedro Barros wins the 2011 pantech open dew tour skate bowl finalsBucky Lasek takes third at the 2011 Dew Tour Pantech Open Skate Bowl finals



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