

May 10, 2014


k9 LODD For those of you that know me personally, you know I am a dog lover. You also know I am a police officer. When I first heard of K9 Ike’s passing my heart sank for Cpl. Larmore and his family. I know how close I am with my dog, I can only imagine the sadness I would be without him, especially if we worked together every day. Today I had an opportunity to photograph K9 Ike’s memorial service held at the Pocomoke Community Center. Scores of police officers, K9 handlers, firefighters, 911 dispatchers, emergency managers and civilians from throughout Maryland, Delaware and Virginia attended the service. It was an impressive farewell for a well deserving K9 and his law enforcement family. I hope my photos show the outpouring support for the men and women of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office as well as the Larmore family for their loss.

K9 Ike – E.O.W. 5/3/14

View all of the photos at

View the video slideshow shown at the service

Memorial Servicek9 LODD Memorialk9 LODDK9 Death Memorial ServiceK9 Deathk9 LODD Memorial ServiceK9 Death Memorial ServiceK9 Death Memorial ServiceK9 Death Memorial ServiceCanine Memorial ServiceCanine Memorial ServiceCanine Memorial ServiceCanine Memorial ServiceCanine Memorial ServiceK9 FuneralK9 FuneralK9 FuneralK9 FuneralK9 FuneralWorcester County Sheriff's Office K9Worcester County Sheriff's Office K9Worcester County Sheriff's Office K9Worcester County Sheriff's Office K9Worcester County Sheriff's Office K9 LODDWorcester County Sheriff's Office K9 LODDWorcester County Sheriff's Office K9 LODDWorcester County Sheriff's Office K9 LODDWorcester County Sheriff's Office K9 LODDWorcester County Sheriff's Office K9 LODDWorcester County Sheriff's Office K9 LODDWorcester County Sheriff's Office K9 LODDWorcester County Sheriff's Office K9 LODDWorcester County Sheriff's Office K9 LODDpolice-k9-ike-line-of-duty-death-035Worcester County Sheriff's Office K9 LODDWorcester County Sheriff's Office K9 LODDWorcester County Sheriff's Office K9 LODDWorcester County Sheriff's Office K9 LODDWorcester County Sheriff's Office K9 LODDWorcester County Sheriff's Office K9 LODDWorcester County Sheriff's Office K9 LODDWorcester County Sheriff's Office K9 LODDWorcester County Sheriff's Office K9 LODDWorcester County Sheriff's Office K9 LODD



  1. Jill says:

    Just beautiful.

  2. Laurie says:

    RIP K-9 Ike. Well done boy, thank you for your service. For his handler/partner/family left behind, I am sorry for your loss.

  3. Candy Norcross says:

    What a wonderful honor for a team member of law enforcement ! Fitting for Ike and his family . Thank you for posting ! May God send His comfort to those who mourn this awesome K-9.
    R.I.P K-9 Ike , your rest is well deserved

  4. stacy Batten says:

    I know this is months after beautiful Ike has passed and my husband is an officer here in TN would like to still pay my respects. God Bless

  5. Nash says:

    Thanks for your thohguts. It’s helped me a lot.

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